According to Shrimad Bhagwad Gita there are following types of Yog:
- Sankhya Yog
- Karma Yog
- Gyan Yog
- Sanyas Yog
- Dhyan Yog
- Akshar-Brahma Yog
- Raj Yog
- Vibhuti Yog
- Bhakti Yog
These yogs are for spirtual growth of
the human beings or we can say the followers of these 
yogs.Apart from this there are a number of other types
of yogs that are generally used for healthy life.
Some of these are given below:
- Kundalini Yoga
- Swara Yog
- Mantra Yog
- Kriya Yog
The person who follows any of these yogs is called as YOGI. According to SHRI SHIV SAMHITA the yogi is one who knows that the entire cosmos is situated within his own body .